News and novelties of your taxi - VTC in Santiago de Compostela (January/2020)

News and updates from Taxi Santiago. Rates, disinfection processes, transfers from / to Santiago ... We tell you everything you need to know about our taxi-vtc service in Santiago.

Taxi from Santiago de Compostela to Coruña 28 Jan

Taxi from Santiago de Compostela to Coruña

28/01/2020 TAXI SANTIAGO

Taxi price from Santiago de Compostela to Coruña Today, taxis become an ideal and comfortable means of transport for travelers who want to move around Santiago de Compostela and who cannot adapt to a train or bus departure time. For this reason, in Taxi Santiago we take you to your destination in Coruña City or to the Alvedro Airport. FOR ESTIMATED PRICE TAXI SANTIAGO CORUÑA CONSULT BY PHONE. Depending on whether the taxi originates in the center of Santiago or the airport and ends in Coruña C...

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